1. You will be receiving an email from secure video support
  2. Open the email and scroll down to the bottom and press “join session”
  3. As soon as you press join session a pop-up window will appear with the heading of Download and Install Zoom press “Download Zoom”
  4. Another pop-up window will appear asking “do you want to allow downloads on “”? please press “Allow”
  5. On your downloads icon in your mac book press “zoomusinstaller.pkg”
  6. You will see another pop-up window with the following message: This package will run a program to determine if the software can be installed, please press “continue”
  7. Another pop-up will appear with the following info: would like to access files in your Downloads folder. Please press “OK”
  8. Please go back to your email from secure video support & press “Enter waiting room”
  9. You will see another pop-up window asking: do you want to allow this page to open Please press “Allow”
  10. Once the meeting portal is open you will get 2pop-up windows asking the following:
    a. Zoom would like to access the camera. Press “ok”
    b. Zoom would like to access the microphone. Press “ok”
  11. Lastly, you will get a pop-up window Join Audio please select “Join with Computer audio”


Install ZOOM

On January 6, 2006 the Florida Administrative Code & Florida administrative register established Rule: 64B8-9.0141 of the Florida Department of Health that allowed for medical visits to occur via TeleMediccine.

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